2022 Wanderlette Vision Board Workbook
2022 Wanderlette Vision Board Workbook
Growing up, my mother would always prepare for the end of the year by cleaning our home inside and out, cleansing our closets and our minds, and making sure we were in the perfect mindset to be ready for the new year. She made sure that we went into the new year dressed to the nine's, well-rested and healthily fed, saying, "The energy you bring to this year will come right back to you."
This was my first introduction to the Law of Attraction, and it has stuck with me ever since. As we grew older, my mother introduced other tools to us that helped us manifest the year of our dreams, and one of those tools that helped transform my life was the vision board.
With the help of this workbook, you will have a chance to explore how a vision board amplifies the Law of Attraction and can become your compass to achieve your goals and dreams.
This is a digital workbook that will be sent to you once payment is secured. Be sure to check your email or spam folder after you made your purchase!